Key Dates for Your Ethnic Marketing Diary
With 1 in 6 individuals, here in the United Kingdom, coming from ethnic minorities, it is highly evident that brands and businesses need to ensure that their marketing strategy also includes the outreach and engagement with these communities. Ethnic minorities in the UK have a combined spending power of £300 billion and because of ignorance, brands and businesses are not reaching these communities.
Here at GottaBe!, we are proud to be specialists in ethnic marketing and have been for over 12 years. Here we present ‘Key Dates for Your Ethnic Marketing Diary’; an e-book put together by the GottaBe! team to share with you different key dates for a number of ethnic minority groups. Through this we hope that you will be able to plot out a more inclusive marketing calendar.
If you’re interested in implementing ethnic marketing into your marketing calendar but are not sure where to start or are simply wanting to discuss this further, please get in touch.